Website Compliance Bundle - Sale of Products
Website Compliance Bundle - Sale of Products
The bundle contains Terms of Use - Sale of Products, Disclaimer, ADA Compliance Statement, and Privacy Policy. These four templates are everything you need to be sure that your sales website and your online business are set on a solid legal foundation, are compliant with current law, and are professional. Can you do business without them? Certainly, but at substantial (and unnecessary) risk. Should you do business without them? No! Bite the bullet, reduce the risk, get the templates and drop them into your website as soon as possible. It’s never too soon to take the steps necessary to ensure the survival and success of your online business, store, and website.
Legal documents for your creative business in under 15 minutes.
All of Michael's Plug-N-Play Legal Templates™ and forms are editable in any document processing program or application, and contain easy-to-identify fill-in-the-blank spaces to complete.